Pompano Beach Cultural Center & Public Library

Project Location: Pompano Beach, Florida

Scope of Services: Pre-Construction + Construction Management

Size: 46,000 gsf

Project Cost: $17,000,000

Project Role: Construction Manager Partner w/ OHL

LEED Goal: Silver

LEED Certification: Silver Pending

Project Completion: December 2017 

Project Owner: Broward County & Pompano Beach CRA

Messam provides pre-construction and construction management services to the City of Pompano Beach for the construction of a new two-story 46,000 SF library and cultural center building. Additional scope of work includes site development, demolition work, new utility connections, paving, grading, drainage, new parking lots, service area, and a dedicated book drop. Site improvements include a new civic plaza featuring raised planter areas, street furniture, a lightning bolt plaza and a new paved breezeway connecting the parking areas to the civic plaza. Messam provides a Project Superintendent, LEED Consultant and a Document Control Manager as a part Construction Manager @ Risk Team with OHL Building.